Kate Piatti as Amber
Kate Piatti is a BFA graduate from LIU Post with a concentration in Musical Theatre. She began her voice over journey throughout the pandemic and you can now hear her on Audible with audiobooks like “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Workbook” by Jonathan B. Langston. As a huge true crime and horror fan, she hopes you enjoy this episode!
Danny Newman as Joe
Bahamian-American actor Danny Newman has spent nine years performing in Off-Off-Broadway shows in New York City and several regional productions. Selected highlights include the immersive show "Detestable Arts" with Greenwood Lake Theatre Co.; "Life is Like" at the PortFringe Festival; "Telemachy", "If / Then", and "The Invitation" with Skeleton Rep; and "Machinal" and "One, Two, Three" with Shellscrape Theatre. During the pandemic closures, he began to transition to voice-over. You can find his audiobooks on Audible and hear him over the airwaves across Detroit-area radio stations. danny-newman.com